Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 2 and the days continue

Well the second day started with YOGA or as I was advised yesterday - it should really be YOG - somehow the true word and pronunciation got lost over the years...In any case - as it came highly recommended, the class ensured that we atended. It was an enlightening experience as we flexed and relaxed, inhaled and exhaled and for some of us, due to the stretching, we felt muscles and nerves that we did not know existed....lols...yes - we are definitely looking forward to more of this experience.

Our formal classroom experience began today.
The learned Dr. Dasgupta discussed the Global Economy - it was indeed a thought- provoking lecture that invited alot of discussions. Deliberations spanned over the various crisis that the world was plagued with over the years, including both Financial and Economical. The question was raised - with so many qualified individuals that are there in the world, how can they not have predicted such crisis - well it all boils down to governance, to values and to regulatory systems, we were told. More Economics was shared by the next Lecturer, Ms. Ashita, as she expounded her knowledge on Economics and the the local Indian Economy.
The afternoon brought a different angle to the discussions as Dr. Singalair shared from a Financial Markets perspective. He drilled to the very basics of the concepts associated with this topic.

Indeed the lectures today were very thorough and well articulated. Given the diverse background of the participants, it was indeed comforting to note that the Lecturers were able to explain the most basic of concepts of their specialisations so as to enhance our understanding and retention of the information shared.

The Groups then moved into their Business Simulation Teams - and the rules of the games were explained. You can almost feel the hearts pumping and hear the blood rush as the coordinators explained that a prize would be given to the victorious team. The groups rushed to connect
their computers, discuss with their members and strategise on the way forward for this simulation. Only time will tell as to which team will walk away with the coveted prize.....
The evening ended spectacularly well with a social function organised by our Course coordinators. There were items galore - speeches, songs, dances - we all had a fabulous time. Our Cultural Coordinators took over the organisation of the evening's entertainment.There were love songs, songs of home, patriotic speeches.....oh the joy as the bonds of our friendship knitted closer and closer as our days at ASCI continue.
Two addition to our group arrived today and we look forward to welcoming them into the fold...
Note that more photos will be posted as I receive them.
Until our next post - you all remain blessed.

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