So off we went - to the grounds to assemble for the activities in store - an ice breaker saw us tyring to recall each other's names by passing a ball - in fact - you are supposed to state the name of the person whom you are passing the ball to - this saw a variety of names being called out as we struggled to remember all the names - some are a bit of a tongue twister - but we managed to agree to shorter nick names....lols...
Then we split into two teams and tried to walk in single file - in unison - boy, I tell you these exercises - they seem simple, yet they stress you out ...lols....I mean - talk about the extremes in our groups, we had someone that is over 6ft tall and some well below that...and we had to come together in unison - walk forward towards one goal - while some were simply walking - some of us were struggling with extended strides just to keep up - a word of caution - these exercises are not as simple as they seem - yet they do convey some key management principles - we need to look out for each other, we need to strategise to move forward, we need to identify the weaknesses and assist those areas, just to name a few.
Then we did a bit of moon-walking - no - we did not go to the moon - but we had 'moon crater look-alikes' set out on the ground. We had to tie all our legs together - group wise - and each team had to try and make it across without stepping outside the craters. Again - this is is another one that looks simple - but if you consider the variation in sizes, heights etc - yes it was a struggle indeed - and when the two groups met each otehr half way....we were tempted to push the other team over..lols.. - but thank God good sense prevailed.
The next activity was called - wedge/web ball - not certain of the correct name - however, this truly tested every sense of our beings - lols..patience, skills, group dynamics - the whole works. A group of 6 people from each team had to lift and carry a ball - that is sitting on a ring on top of a cone - tied to the ring are 6 ribbons - which are to be used as levers to carry out the movement of the ball from one destination to the other. The aim is to - not drop the ball. We shouted, we screamed, we squinted our eyes trying to level out the placement of the balls - then the teams changed shifts as 6 new team members took over. Alot of Management lessons learnt, including the need for succession planning, clear communication, need to know the reaction of competitorsand so-called spies...lols.., know the role of internal auditors, the need for good leadership, the need to focus on your goal are among the many.
We then proceeded to the classroom to carry out the last activity - now we are to pretend tat we are in the titanic and only have two floating devices per team - we are to try to make it across as a whole team in six minutes - now this is where we were confused - our lecturer told us - all to make it across in 6 minutes - we assumed that each team had 6 minutes - so our group went ahead and did the first exercise - well it took us 2 minutes - which left 4 minutes for the other 3 groups.....then we realised that he meant 6 minutes for all - so in fact everyone had enough resources and time to make it across - main lesson to learn from this - listen to instructions carefully and then strategise accordingly.
More Photos of the above event will be posted separately
It was exahusting - but enjoyable and absolutely excellent. A shower was indeed in order after the exercises...lols!!!
The afternoon saw us undertaking our various group presentations - on the topic the Recvoery from the Global crisis - this was discussed in three perspectives:
- The African Perspective
- The Global Perspective
- The Indian Perspective
We had a Panel that consisted of 4 learned Professors and Individuals of ASCI - who had addressed us in our sessions during the week.
We were told that Africa did not really feel the effects of the crisis as their markets were not as advanced. The group emphasised on the various trading blocks that exists within that assisted. Ms. Ashita advised that she had read somewhere that Africa had its own crisis - the three Fs - that is, Funds, Famine and Food.
From a Global perspective, we were advised that the effects cost millions and millions and trillions to various Governments in terms of stimulus packages - some are still feeling the effects, some have yet to recover. We learnt that the root cause were the sub prime mortgages in the US markets - and because the larger economies in the world depended heavily on US - the effects spirallall over the world. It was interesting to note that that the emerging markets are recovering faster than the developed markets. Equally interesting are the happenings around the EuroZone - where Greece is in need of a bailout package for high debt levels and similar reasons as the US - also noting that there might be other European Countries that would be following in these footsteps. It would be interesting to see what actions will the EU take.
From a Global perspective, we were advised that the effects cost millions and millions and trillions to various Governments in terms of stimulus packages - some are still feeling the effects, some have yet to recover. We learnt that the root cause were the sub prime mortgages in the US markets - and because the larger economies in the world depended heavily on US - the effects spirallall over the world. It was interesting to note that that the emerging markets are recovering faster than the developed markets. Equally interesting are the happenings around the EuroZone - where Greece is in need of a bailout package for high debt levels and similar reasons as the US - also noting that there might be other European Countries that would be following in these footsteps. It would be interesting to see what actions will the EU take.
We were also advised that the Indian Economy has progressed and recovered better than their overseas counterparts. Strengthening of Fiscal policies has greatly assisted in this regard. In fact, stregthening of Fiscal Policies around the world has greatly assisted in recovery. Howver, I have to again quote Dr. Singlair..' When you hear the word recovery..analyse it carefully and take it with a bucket of salt...'
Try concentrating on presentations after an exhausting session of exercise - hmm..its not easy...but I commend this group of people - their concentration level, endurance and stamina is amazing......
It has been an exhausting, yet interesting and eventful day.
Blessed Day Folks......
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