Then we discussed Stress Management in the afternoon -I tell you - the sessions are just getting more interesting - for example - Dr. Duggal likened our lives to a guitar - if we are tuned correctly - it will bring out such melodious tunes - if it is either too slack or tight - the sound will not be to our liking....very true and very relevant. We were advised of the importance of looking after our health, as neglect will lead to unwanted illness, problems and issues. When we discuss stress, we are talking about the demand and supply gaps - in
other words, our inability to meet what life demands off us. Too often, we are caught up with work and other commitments that we tend to neglect our health and our stress levels - therefore it is absolutely vital that we are conscious of our diet, our need for exercise and that we ensure that we get enough rest and relaxation, to enable us to meet the demands accordingly. Dr. Duggal stressed the importance of conditionng our minds and thinking on the issues mentioned. Hmmmm...I can honestly say that Yes - some great takeaways for me from this
session and I am sure for the class as well - we were told that Muthana has only started concentrating on his diet and is abstaining from Meat - well as the learned Professor said, though it maybe a temporary start - but then all things start off as temporary before they become permanent. We also went through some exercises to assist us in relieving stress.
The next session totally blew our mind away - as in WOW!!! Sis. Radhika spoke to us on Mind Management. The essence of her topic is that Managing your mind is giving reassurance and understanding a the right time. In a day, we have approximately 60000 thoughts and these thoughts are divided into four categories, they are: Positive, Negative, Waste and Ordinary/Necessary things. Research indicates that the majority of our thoughts in a
day fall in the waste category - we give too much meaning to things that are not there......now just how true is this...very true indeed.!!! Now some maybe asking - how relevant is this to our daily lives or even at work - if you are asking this - then maybe we need to tune some guitars...lols...
As Managers, when tasks are allocated we do not manage the tasks, but we manage the people that do the tasks - therefore it is important that we know how to deal with their minds. If we are facing difficulty, we enhance our circle of understanding to include the person with whom you are facing the difficulty. We should be mindful of how we discuss issues with them - use the sandwhich approach - with heaps of masala in the middle - do not just focus on the problems - focus on the positive issues as well.
As people, we essentially have two sets of feelings - the innate and the acquired. Most people think that the acquired set is what determines who we are - but in fact, it is the innate that detemrines the acquired - once you understand this, it will be easier for you to manage the mind. Folks, the main thing is to create a bigger world - look beyond your noses, embrace the differences of your people so that your minds will be empowered, which will enable you to manage more effectively.
The examples cited were refreshing and insghtful - the humour element assisted in nailing the points home. The difference about this Lecture from the others is that not one person interrupted her session with questions or comments - for once!!!lols....An awesome session indeed.
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